ListSummary Server Control

The ListSummary server control is used to display, on a Web page, a list of content blocks in a selected folder. Optionally, the display can include content in all subfolders of the selected folder.

When added to a template and visited, a List Summary looks like this.

It displays each content block’s title and summary information. You can modify the display to suit your needs by modifying its properties.

NOTE: To display a List Summary on a PageBuilder page, use the List Summary—Displays an Ektron List Summary, a list of certain types of content in a selected folder. See Also: ListSummary Server Control widget.

NOTE: In contrast to a List Summary, a ContentList server control displays selected content items from any Ektron folder. See Also: Using the ContentList Server Control

ListSummary server control properties

ListSummary Server Control Properties

The following are Ektron-specific server control properties. You can find information about native .NET properties such as font, height, width and border style in Visual Studio® help.

  • AddText (String)

    Override the control’s default text for the Add Content menu item.
    For example, you have a News Web site. You could change Add Content to Add News Item.

  • Authenticated (String)

    Indicates if you are logged into the CMS Explorer and can use it to browse to content, collections, and so on. See Also: Browsing Your Ektron Site Using CMS Explorer.

  • CacheInterval (Double)

    The number of seconds that the server control’s data is cached. The default is 0 (zero). For example, if you want to cache the data for 5 minutes, set to 300. See Also: Caching with Server Controls.

    WARNING! If the EnablePaging property is set to True, the CacheInterval property is disabled.

  • ContentParameter (String)

    Checks the QueryString for this value and replaces the list summary with a content block when specified. Leave blank to always display the list summary.

  • ContentType (String)

    Determines the type of content that appears in the list summary. The default is Content. Choices are:

    • AllTypes—displays all of the content types for the given folder
    • Content—displays a list of content items.
    • Forms—forms appear in the list summary
    • Archive_Content—archived content blocks appear in the list summary
    • Archive_Forms—archived forms appear in the list summary
    • Assets—assets, such as offices documents, appear in the list summary
    • Archive_Assets—archived assets appear in the list summary
    • LibraryItem—library items appear in the list summary
    • Multimedia—multimedia items appear in the list summary
    • Archive_Media—archived multimedia items appear in the list summary
    • NonLibraryContent—all types of content appear in the list summary except for library items.
    • DiscussionTopic—forum topics appear in the list summary.
    • CatalogEntry—displays all of catalog entries (products) for a specified catalog.
  • DisplayXslt (String)

    Determines how the information on the page appears

    • None-databind only
    • ecmNavigation—lists the title of every content block in the folder
    • See Also: Using the Collection Server Control
    • ecmTeaser—lists the title of every content block in the folder plus the content summary
    • See Also: ecmTeaser Display Example
    • Path to Custom Xslt—If desired, enter a relative or absolute path to an Xslt that determines the display of the page.

    WARNING! If you specify an external file, do not store this file in the Workarea folder. If you store this file in the Workarea folder, the file will be lost when you upgrade.

    WARNING! If you enter a valid EkML file at the MarkupLanguage property, the Displayxslt property value is ignored.

  • DoInitFill (Boolean)

    By default, Fill occurs during the Page_Init event. Set to false if you want to postpone the fill-action until later. In this case, Fill is automatically called during the Page Render event. You might do this if you need to set or change a property on the control in code-behind and have it render with your changes shown.

  • EnablePaging (Boolean)

    This property, in conjunction with the MaxNumber property, lets site visitors view an unlimited number of items while controlling the amount of screen space. The MaxNumber property limits the number of items displayed. If you set this property to True, and the number of items exceeds MaxNumber, navigation aids appear below the last item, allowing the visitor to go to the next screen.

    See example below.

    So, for example, if a List Summary has 9 items and the MaxResults property is set to 3, the screen displays only the first 3 items. When the site visitor clicks [Next], he sees items 4, 5 and 6, and so on.

    • True—Use paging feature
    • False—Ignore paging feature

    WARNING! If the EnablePaging property is set to True, the CacheInterval property is disabled.

  • FolderID (Long)

    The folder that contains the items which appear in the list summary. See Also: Browsing Your Ektron Site Using CMS Explorer. The Recursive property determines whether content blocks in this folder’s child folders also appear.

  • GetHtml (Boolean)

    Set to True if you want to retrieve and display content (that is, the HTML body) for all content in the list summary. For example, to display content inside a Web server control such as a GridView.

    • True—Get and display HTML for each content block in the list summary
    • False—Do not get and display HTML.
  • GetAnalyticsData (Boolean)

    Set this property to True if you want the following information for each content in the list. Returns Content View Count, Content Rating, Content Rating Average. Create your own XSLT styles to display this data.

    WARNING! This property only provides reliable data when the Business Analytics Feature is on. Business Analytics.

  • Hide (Boolean)

    Hides or displays the output of the control in design time and run time.

    • True—Hide the control output.
    • False—Display the control output.
  • IncludeIcons (Boolean)

    Choose whether to display icons next to the list summary’s links.

    WARNING! This property only works when ecmSummary or ecmTeaser are used in the DisplayXslt property. When the [$ImageIcon] variable is used in an EkML file and that file is assigned to the MarkupLanguage property, this property acts as True. See Also: Controlling Output with Ektron Markup Language

  • Language (Integer)

    Set a language for viewing content; shows results in design-time (in Visual Studio) and at run-time (in a browser).

  • LinkTarget (String)

    Determines the type of window that appears when you click a link in the server control.

    • _Self (default)—opens in same window.
    • _Top—opens in parent window.
    • _Blank—opens in new window.
    • _Parent—opens in the parent frame.
  • MarkupLanguage (String)

    Identify the template markup file that controls the display of the server control. For example, mymarkup.ekml. If the EkML file is located in the same folder as the Web form containing the server control, just enter its name. Otherwise, the path to the file can be relative or absolute. See also: Controlling Output with Ektron Markup Language

    See Also: listsummary.ekml

    If you enter a valid EkML file at the MarkupLanguage property, the Displayxslt property value is ignored. If the EkML file contains the [$ImageIcon] variable, the IncludeIcons property acts as True.

  • MaxResults (Integer)

    Enter the maximum number of items to appear in the initial display of this server control.

    If you enter no value or 0 (zero), the maximum is 50. This is done for performance reasons.

    To let site visitors view more than the maximum but limit the amount of space being occupied, enter the maximum number of results per page here. Then, set the EnablePaging property to True.

    If you do and more than the number of MaxResults are available, navigation aids appear below the last item to help the site visitor view additional items. See example below.

  • OrderbyDirection (Ektron.Cms.Controls.CmsWebService.OrderByDirection)

    How to order the hyperlinks on the list. The sort field is determined by the OrderKey property.

    • ascending—hyperlinks are arranged A, B, C or 1,2,3.
    • descending—hyperlinks are arranged Z, Y, X or 3,2,1

    If sorting by date, descending puts the most recent first.

  • OrderBy (Ektron.Cms.Controls.CmsWebService.TeasersOrderBy)

    NOTE: For releases 8.0.1 and later the OrderKey property has been deprecated. It has been replaced by this OrderBy property.

    Sort the list by one of the values.

    • Title—Content Title
    • DateModified—Date content last modified
    • DateCreated—Date content created
    • LastEditorFname—First name of user who last edited content
    • LastEditorLname—Last name of user who last edited content
    • Start Date—Go Live date of content
    • Rated—Business Analytics Content Rating
    • ContentViewCount—Business Analytics Content Views
  • Random (Boolean)

    Set to True if you want to randomly display one content block in the specified folder. The content changes each time a user views the page.

    • True—randomly display one content block.
    • False—display the list summary normally.

    If you use a custom XSLT or EkML file, the type of content displayed can be manipulated. For example, if you use an EkML file that has the [$Html] variable in it, the actual content appears instead of a link. See Also: Controlling Output with Ektron Markup Language and [$Html]

  • Recursive (Boolean)

    Determines if the display includes content blocks in child folders of the selected folder.

    • True—include content blocks from child folders.
    • False—do not include content blocks from child folders.
  • SelTaxonomyID (Integer)

    Set the ID of the taxonomy that content will be associated with when a logged in site visitor uses the Silver Access Point’s Add HTML Content to add content to a list summary server control.

  • SuppressWrapperTags (Boolean)

    Suppresses the output of the span/div tags around the control.

    • True—Suppress wrap tags.
    • False (default)—Allow wrap tags.
  • WrapTag (String)

    Lets a developer specify a server control’s tag.

    • Span (default)—designate an inline portion of an HTML document as a span element.
    • Div—apply attributes to a block of code.
    • Custom—Lets you use a custom tag.
Retrieving the XML structure of a list summary

Retrieving the XML Structure of a List Summary

Retrieving the XML structure of XML content allows for greater control over developing XSLs. The following example shows how to retrieve the XML structure.

  1. Open a new Web form.
  2. Drag and drop a ListSummary server control onto it.
  3. Set the FolderID property.
  4. Drag and drop a textbox on the Web form.
  5. Set the TextMode property to MultiLine.

    NOTE: You should set the width of the text box to at least 400px.

  6. On the code-behind page, add the following line.
    Textbox1.Text = ListSummary1.XmlDoc.InnerXml
  7. Build the project.
  8. View the Web form in a browser.
  9. The ListSummary’s XML structure appears in the textbox.