Ektron 8.6.1

Using Widgets

A widgetWidgets are mini-applications that you place on a Web page using PageBuilder; a widget provides either specific functionality (calculators, search, social bars, etc.) or areas into which you can add content (content blocks, list summaries, collections, and so on). is a mini-application that can provide either specific functionality (search, social bars, and so on) or areas into which you can add Ektron content (content blocks, list summaries, collectionA list of Ektron content links for display on a Web page.s, and so on). You can drag and drop widgets onto a page using a wireframethe architecture of a Web page containing columns, dropzones, and layout information., dropzonean area on a Web page where you can drag and drop a widget.s, and widgets.

To open the widget bar from the PageBuilder menu, click the up/down () or down () controls.

A widget consists of 3 file types.

NOTE: Your widget might use additional files, such as .css or .js files.You should place these files in a folder within siteroot/widgets, and give the folder the same name as the custom widget.