Display translated images based on language
Use this feature to display different images based on language. This feature provides support for customers who localize content to a specific region or location.
For more information on uploading and assigning product images, see the Uploading and Assigning Product Images article.
Add additional display images for translation
- Go to Catalog > Products in the Admin Console.
- Click Edit for a product.
- Click the Images finger tab.
- Click Edit for an image.
- Click the Globe icon next to each image size (Small, Medium, Large) for which you want to configure translated images. The Translations window for the image appears.
- Click Browse next to the language field for which you want to add the image.
- Select or upload an image from the Media Library.
- Click Save and Save again.
Images uploaded in the main image field are the defaults if no translated image is specified for a language.
View translated images on the website
To view translated images, the customer will need to select a language on the website and view a product image to see the translated image for that language.