Moderating a message board

A Message Board can be moderated, which means that comments and replies must be approved by an authorized user before they appear. Those users can either approve or delete the comment/reply. To learn which users are authorized to moderate, see Who can moderate message board .

You can force all message boards associated with a MessageBoard control to moderate comments/replies. To do this, set the Moderate property to True. On the other hand, you can allow the Message Board owners to decide if it will be moderated. To do this, set the control’s Moderate property to False. If you do, users determine if their Message Board is moderated by checking their user or group profile’s Moderate check box.

Community group members determine if a group's Message Board is moderated by editing the Group Profile's Group MessageBoard Moderation check box.

NOTE: If a Group administrator submits a comment to a moderated Group Message Board, it is automatically approved.

If a comment is submitted to a moderated Message Board, users who can see it notice a green dot border. The comment's author sees an hour glass icon () until it’s approved. At any time, the author can delete the comment using the delete button ().