Creating business rules for your website


Only members of the Administrators user group and those defined in the Manage Members for Role: Add Role Member Business Rule Editor screen can work with Business Rules. See also: Defining roles

Business Rules let you define conditions for Web pages on your site. You choose an action based on whether the conditions are true or false when a site visitor browses your site. For example:

With Business Rules, you do not write code to set conditions and initiate actions. You simply complete the Business Rules wizard, have your developer add a Business Rules server control to your Web form, and assign a Business Ruleset to the server control. See also: Creating personalized Web experiences with personas and the BusinessRules server controlA server control uses API language to interact with the CMS and Framework UI to display the output. A server control can be dragged and dropped onto a Web form and then modified..

The following list shows several conditions and actions that are already defined for you.



After you create a rule, you can add it to multiple rulesets. This is useful if several rulesets use a common rule.