Permissions that Affect Personalization

A CMS user who is a member of the Administrators groups has full privileges to do everything. Other users, both CMS and membership, can be selectively granted permissions via Personalization roles screens. One screen grants all permissions, while the others grant a single permission.

To assign a role to a user, go to Workarea > Settings > Roles > Built-In > System Wide > Personalization. Choose any screen under that folder, click the Add button () and select user(s) to whom assign the role. See Also: Defining Roles,Personalizing a Web Page

The following table explains the permissions granted by each role.

Personalization Role


Add content

Edit content

Move content

Change page for unauthenticated users


Can do everything (Administrators group members also have these permissions)

Add Web parts

Add new content to page; new selections controlled by developer who creates template



Edit Web parts

Replace current content with other content of same type; cannot change type



Move Web parts

Move content among Web part zones




The right column indicates the ability to customize a page for all unauthenticated site visitors. However, if a membership or CMS user signs in and views a page that he has personalized, his version of the page appears.

Note: If you assign the Edit Web part role to a user or group, those users have access to all content in your Web site (except private content). Folder permissions are ignored.

(continued in Web Configuration Tags that Affect Personalization)

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