Benefits of Aliasing

Here are some examples of why you’d want to alias Ektron CMS400.NET pages.

To provide shorter, more user-friendly URLs, which map to longer paths. For example, may be preferable for marketing materials.

If you have a PHP site, you can alias all php pages and use the same query string names to pass needed information to the new .aspx pages.


Note: Any query strings appended to an aliased page pass to the .aspx page and may be used if necessary.

If you have a static Web site (for example, all HTML pages) that is indexed in a search engine, you can alias your site and retain complete content management without affecting your search engine ranking.

Some search engines work better without the URL parameters that make up an Ektron CMS400.NET Web page name. URL Aliasing creates page names that search engines might more easily recognize.

You want to provide friendly URL's for Social Media pages like user profiles or community groups.

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