Event Calendar Function

The ecmEvtCalendar function is used to display an event calendar that has been created in the Ektron CMS400.NET Workarea.

<?php ecmEvtCalendar(id, “Displaytype”); ?>

This function is basically the same as the Event Calendar function in ASP. See Event Calendar Function for details.

The only differences between the PHP function and the ASP one are the use of the DisplayType parameter and the syntax for implementing it. The ecmEvtCalendar function parameters are defined below.




The “id” argument represents the ID number of the event calendar in the Workarea.


Specify the Calendar display type.

Month - A 30 day calendar month view.

Day - Single day view.

Inline - Display events that occur from the start date of the calendar through the end date.

MonthUpWithEvent - Displays a month calendar. Events appear to the right of the calendar when you click on a day.

Event Calendar Sample

Here is an example of the event Calendar in an Ektron CMS400.NET template.



<?php ecmEvtCalendar(24, “MonthUpWithEvent”); ?>



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