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Ektron CMS400.NET API Documentation
Blog.GetBlog Method (long, string, int, int)

Returns a BlogData class for a given blog ID, with parameters. This class contains the content for a blog, the post info, the roll, and the categories information. See the BlogData class for more information. 

This method can be accessed through the blog.asmx file located in:


This function is overloaded. See Also: 

GetBlog (int, string, int, int)  

[WebMethod(MessageName = "GetBlog by ID, StartDate, MaxEntries and LanguageID", Description = "")]
public BlogData GetBlog(long ID, string StartDate, int MaxEntries, int LanguageID);
Visual Basic
<WebMethod(MessageName = "GetBlog by ID, StartDate, MaxEntries and LanguageID", Description = "")>
Public Function GetBlog(ID As long, StartDate As string, MaxEntries As Integer, LanguageID As Integer) As BlogData
The ID of the blog. This is a numeric value that corresponds to the folder ID of the blog. 
The date to get entries from. Used if you want to get historical information. Gets information only for the date specified. 
The total number of posts to return.
If set to 0, the postsvisible property of the blog is used.
If set to -1, the content is not returned, only the post info for the content. 
The language ID for the content to get. 

For a given blog ID, this returns either null or a BlogData class with the associated posts. This also includes the roll, categories, and post information.

Developers are advised to check for null prior to using.

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