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Ektron CMS400.NET API Documentation
Search.TargetFolderDescriptionList Property

An optional comma-delimited string, which allows the user to override the folders to search. For example, set to "Photos=1,NewsHeadlines=0" to search only the Photos folder by default, and allow the user to also select the "NewsHeadlines" folder. Also searches these folders' subfolders, returning any matches found there.

[Description("An optional comma-delimited string of folder descriptions, which allows the user to override which folders to search: For example, set to 'Health Care=1,News=0' to search only folders with description containing 'Health Care', by default.")]
[Obsolete("This attribute has been deprecated and is no longer supported as of version 6.1")]
public string TargetFolderDescriptionList;
Visual Basic
<Description("An optional comma-delimited string of folder descriptions, which allows the user to override which folders to search: For example, set to 'Health Care=1,News=0' to search only folders with description containing 'Health Care', by default.")>
<Obsolete("This attribute has been deprecated and is no longer supported as of version 6.1")>
Public Property TargetFolderDescriptionList() As string
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