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Ektron CMS400.NET API Documentation
Recommendation.RecommendationType Property

The type of recommendation to show. Choices are:

  • CrossSell - used to help sell additional items that a site visitor might be interested in. For example, if you are selling Denim Jackets, you might want to cross sell them pants or shirts.
  • UpSell - used to sell additional items that improve on the item being purchased. For example, if you are selling 7 megapixel digital cameras, you might want show the site visitor 10 megapixel digital cameras.
For information on Cross Selling and Upselling, see the Administrator Manual section "Adding Cross Sell and Upsell Recommendations to a Catalog Entry"

[Bindable(true), Category("Ektron"), DefaultValue(EkEnumeration.RecommendationType.CrossSell), Description("The type of recommendation to show. Choices are CrossSell and Upsell.")]
public EkEnumeration.RecommendationType RecommendationType;
Visual Basic
<Bindable(true), Category("Ektron"), DefaultValue(EkEnumeration.RecommendationType.CrossSell), Description("The type of recommendation to show. Choices are CrossSell and Upsell.")>
Public Property RecommendationType() As EkEnumeration.RecommendationType
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