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Ektron CMS400.NET API Documentation
ProductSearch.MaxTeaserLength Property

Limits the length of any returned content’s abstract. To allow unlimited length, set to zero. This property is active only if both of these conditions are true.

  • you use the DisplayXslt property to identify an XSLT and ecmteaser as a value of that property.
  • the ShowCustomSummary property is set to false. If ShowCustomSummary is set to true, the entire summary appears in search results.

[Description("An optional search-result formatting parameter that limits the length of any returned content items' teaser/summary (or not truncate if set to zero).")]
public int MaxTeaserLength;
Visual Basic
<Description("An optional search-result formatting parameter that limits the length of any returned content items' teaser/summary (or not truncate if set to zero).")>
Public Property MaxTeaserLength() As Integer
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