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Ektron CMS400.NET API Documentation
Friends.DisplayMode Property

Select the way this control displays colleagues. Choices are: 

Directory - this selection allows users to group their colleagues by folders. When this selection is chosen, the following menu items are added to the control:

  • Add Folder - allows a user to add a sub folder.
  • Move - allows a user to move users into a folder. This item only appears when there is a folder.
List - shows a list colleagues in alphabetical order. 

Pending - shows a list pending colleagues. This list is made up of users who have sent you colleagues requests. 

SentInvites - shows a list of users to whom you’ve sent colleague requests.  

[Bindable(true), Category("Ektron"), DefaultValue(eDisplayMode.Directory), Description("This property enables the user to show their colleagues either in the List, Pending, SentInvite or Directory display mode.")]
public eDisplayMode DisplayMode;
Visual Basic
<Bindable(true), Category("Ektron"), DefaultValue(eDisplayMode.Directory), Description("This property enables the user to show their colleagues either in the List, Pending, SentInvite or Directory display mode.")>
Public Property DisplayMode() As eDisplayMode
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