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Ektron CMS400.NET API Documentation
Directory.TaxonomyDepth Property

Enter the number of taxonomy levels to appear below each taxonomy/category. For example, if the taxonomy is Businesses > Restaurants > Pizza and you set TaxonomyDepth to 2, only Business and Restaurants appear.  

Important! - For a live site, Ektron strongly recommends leaving this value at 1. Increasing this value can slow down your live Web server. However, for testing on a staging server, you can increase the depth.  

A depth greater than 1 is only useful if you create a custom output using the Taxonomy’s XML.

[Bindable(true), Category("Ektron"), DefaultValue("1"), Browsable(true)]
[Description("Enter the number of taxonomy levels to appear below each taxonomy/category. For example, if the taxonomy is Businesses > Restaurants > Pizza and you set TaxonomyDepth to 2, only Business and Restaurants appear.")]
public virtual int TaxonomyDepth;
Visual Basic
<Bindable(true), Category("Ektron"), DefaultValue("1"), Browsable(true)>
<Description("Enter the number of taxonomy levels to appear below each taxonomy/category. For example, if the taxonomy is Businesses > Restaurants > Pizza and you set TaxonomyDepth to 2, only Business and Restaurants appear.")>
Public virtual Property TaxonomyDepth() As Integer
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