Ektron 8.6.1

Working with Ektron Server Controls

You can drag and drop a server controla server control uses API language to interact with the CMS and Framework UI to display the output. A server control can be dragged and dropped onto a Web form and then modified. onto an ASPX page to coexist with other components. This includes control for almost everything from content, to user management, breadcrumbs, and social network controls—to provide out-of-the-box markup and functionality. In addition to having a set of properties that you can use to change the controls' output and behavior, you can access the server control APIApplication Programming Interface. Server Control Reference describes the Ektron server controls.


Ektron’s server controls let you insert many standard methods and properties within the Visual Studio environment. This means that you can see the effect of your changes in real time—you do not have to modify a page then compile a sample project to see the results.

You can insert server controls using drag and drop or programmatically. You can also use databinding to retrieve and display data from Ektron.

Additional information and examples for Ektron server controls are available online after you install the following sample site.


Replace localhost with the webroot where you installed the sample site.

IMPORTANT: For improved security,you should rename or remove the Web services file when you move it to your production server. After installation, this file is named ServerControlWS.asmx in the /siteroot/Workarea/ folder in your Web root.

ServerControlWS.asmx is the Web service that lets server controls communicate with Ektron. The path is coded in the web.config file, as follows. Edit this line if you change the location or name of the ServerControlWS.asmx file.

<!-- Web Service URL for Server Controls design time  -->
<add key="WSPath" 
  value="http://localhost/siteroot/Workarea/ServerControlWS.asmx" /

Server Control Reference