Set the Language of Spell Checking

Ektron provides 2 editors, so there are 2 procedures for spell checking.

Setting the spell check language for eWebEditPro+XML

Setting the Spell Check Language for eWebEditPro+XML

To specify which dictionary to reference when checking spelling, specify a language in Microsoft Word, version 2000 or later. To do this, open Word and select Tools > Language > Set Language.

Setting the spell check language for eWebEdit400

Setting the Spell Check Language for eWebEdit400

NOTE: Checking Spelling provides basic information about spell checking. Please read that before reading this section.

Ektron’s spell checker refers to a standard dictionary of the content’s language. So, for example, if the content is U.S. English, the U.S. English dictionary is referenced.

The spell checker also references a language-specific custom dictionary. Words are added to this list when a user stops at a misspelled word and chooses the Add to Dictionary option.

Both dictionaries reside on the server that hosts Ektron.

The spell checker compares each word against both sources. If a word is in either one, the spell checker moves to the next word. If a word is missing from both sources, the spell check options shown below appear, and the user decides what to do.

What happens of no dictionary matches the content language

What Happens if No Dictionary Matches the Content Language

If Ektron does not have a dictionary that matches the content language, it proceeds through these steps in the following order:

  1. If the language begins with en (for example, en-AU), use the en-GB dictionary.

    If it begins with zh, use zh-CHS.

  2. Each language has a default version, indicated by letters before the dash matching the ones after the dash. For example fr-FR. If the default version’s dictionary is available, use it.
  3. Use the first dictionary (alphabetically) that begins with the content language. For example, the content language is es-AR, but its dictionary does not exist. The first dictionary alphabetically beginning with es that is available is es-CO, so use that.
  4. If none of the above is available, use en-US.
List of standard dictionaries

List of Standard Dictionaries

Ektron provides the following standard dictionaries.

  • uk-UA—Afrikaans
  • ar-AR—Arabic
  • bg-BG—Bulgarian
  • cs-CZ—Czech
  • da-DK—Danish
  • de-CH—German (Switzerland)]
  • de-DE—German
  • en-GB—English (Great Britain)
  • en-US—English (United States)
  • es-ES—Spanish
  • fr-FR—French
  • he-IL—Hebrew
  • it-IT—Italian
  • nl-NL—Dutch
  • nn-NO—Norwegian (Nynorsk)
  • pl-PL—Polish
  • pt-PT—Portuguese
  • pt-BR—Portuguese (Brazil)
  • ru-RU—Russian
  • sl-SL—Slovenian
  • sv-SE—Swedish
  • uk-UA—Ukrainian
Editing eWebEdit400's standard spell check dictionaries

Editing eWebEdit400’s Standard Spell Check Dictionaries

The following topics explain how to access a screen for working with standard dictionaries, and how to update, edit, replace, and delete individual words as well as entire dictionaries. There is no option for editing a word. Instead of editing, delete a word then add the correct version.

Accessing the spell check dictionary update screen

Accessing the Spell Check Dictionary Update Screen

Ektron provides a special screen that lets you create, update, and delete the standard dictionaries. To access this screen, use this URL:


This screen looks like this.

NOTE: If you want to remove the red text from the top of the screen, open the .aspx file and delete that text.

To use this screen, the ASP.NET user must be granted read and write permission to the following folder: your-server\siteroot\Workarea\Foundation\RadControls\Spell\TDF.

NOTE: If ASP.NET user has full permission but you still cannot edit a dictionary, open the folder listed above, right click the TDF file and verify it is not read-only.

Adding a word to any dictionary

Adding a Word to Any Dictionary

  1. Open the Dictionary Update screen.
  2. Click Edit Dictionary.
  3. At the Select Dictionary drop-down, choose the language of the dictionary you want to update.
  4. In the Add a word field in the lower right corner of the screen, enter the word to add.

  5. Click Add.

NOTE: Tip! Enter the word you just added into the Find Word field and click Find to verify that the word was successfully added.

Deleting a word from any dictionary

Deleting a Word from Any Dictionary

  1. Open the Dictionary Update screen.
  2. Click Edit Dictionary.
  3. At the Select Dictionary drop-down, choose the language of the dictionary you want to update.
  4. In the Find word field in the top left of the screen, enter the word to delete.

  5. Click Find.
  6. In the results box below, click the word.
  7. Click Delete Selected.

NOTE: Enter the deleted word into the Find Word field and click Find to verify that the word was successfully removed.

Adding a word list

Adding a Word List

You may add a list of words to a standard dictionary. For example, you work in a hospital and want to add medical terms. While you can add words one at a time using Adding a Word to Any Dictionary, it is more efficient to place all words in a text file then import the file into a dictionary.

  1. On your server, create a .txt file.
  2. Place all words into the .txt file, one on each line.
  3. Save the file using the language code of the dictionary you are updating. For example, if you are adding to the French dictionary, name the file fr-fr.txt.
  4. Open the Dictionary Configurator screen.
  5. Click Edit Dictionary.
  6. Next to Import Wordlist, click Browse.

  7. Navigate to the text file you saved in Step 3.
  8. Click Import. All words on the list are added to the dictionary whose name matches the .txt file. For example, words in the fr-fr.txt file are added to the fr-FR.TDF dictionary file.

NOTE: While on the screen, enter one of the words in the word list into the Find word field, then click Find to verify that the import succeeded.

Importing a dictionary

Importing a Dictionary

Typically, you want to import a dictionary because the language of some Ektron content is not included in the set of standard dictionaries. For example, your content is Japanese.

You could also delete a standard dictionary then import one to replace it if you have a word list that you consider superior to the standard dictionary. See Also: Deleting a Dictionary.

To import a dictionary:

NOTE: The following procedure assumes the words do not yet exist in a .TDF file. If they do, open the Dictionary Configurator screen, click Browse, select the file, and click Import.

Part one: create a blank TDF file

Part one: Create a Blank TDF File

  1. On your server, use Notepad to create a blank .tdf file named after the language code of the dictionary you are importing. For example, if you are importing a French dictionary, name the file fr-fr.tdf.
  2. Open the Dictionary Configurator screen.
  3. Next to the Pick a file to import field, click Browse.
  4. Navigate to the .tdf file you created in Step 1.
  5. Click Import. This action places the TDF file into the correct folder.
Part two: create and import the word list

Part two: Create and Import the Word List

  1. Follow the procedure described in Adding a Word List to insert all dictionary words into a .txt file.
  2. Click Edit Dictionary.
  3. Next to Import Wordlist, click Browse.

  4. Select the text file you created in Step 1.
  5. Click Import.
  6. All words in the list are added to the dictionary whose name matches the .txt file name.

NOTE: Use the Edit dictionary screen to select the dictionary. Then, use the Find word field to verify that the import succeeded.

Deleting a dictionary

Deleting a Dictionary

You would typically delete a standard dictionary to replace it if you have a word list that you consider superior to the standard dictionary.

  1. Open the Dictionary Configurator screen.
  2. In the available dictionaries list, find the language whose dictionary you want to import.

  3. To the right of the language, click Delete.
Replacing a dictionary

Replacing a Dictionary

You would typically want to replace a standard dictionary if you have a word list that you consider superior to the one provided. The procedure for replacing a dictionary is documented in Importing a Dictionary.

Editing eWebEdit400's custom dictionary

Editing eWebEdit400’s Custom Dictionary

A language’s custom dictionary is created the first time a user uses the Add to Dictionary option while spell checking content in that language.

From then on, the dictionary is updated when anyone using that server edits content in that language and uses the Add to Dictionary option.

The name of the custom dictionary is formed using:

  • the language code of the content
  • a dash (-)
  • the word custom
  • the file extension .txt

So, if the content is French, the file’s name isfr-fr-custom.txt. The file is saved to theroot/Workarea/Foundation/RadControls/Spell/TDF folder.

You can manually edit the custom dictionary using any application that updates .txt files, such as Notepad.