Setting up Webtrends Analytics

Marketers today face a new set of challenges. With the explosion of new digital channels such as social and mobile, it is even harder to understand customer behaviors and optimize how to communicate with them. Both Webtrends Analytics On Demand and On Premises deliver the industry’s most accurate picture of how customers interact with your brand in the digital space.

Real-time data, intelligent alerts, and the ability to easily share information within your organization means you empower your team to make smart and timely decisions based on solid data. You'll find new opportunities, ensure conversions are on track and respond to needs faster than ever before.

Prerequisite: Webtrends On Demand

Setting up Webtrends analytics
  1. Create a Webtrends Account and create a tracking script.
    1. Set up an account with Webtrends (
    2. Webtrends sends you an account name, username, and password.
    3. Log into Webtrends using this URL:
    4. Use the account name, username, and password you obtained from Webtrends.
    5. From that page, follow this menu path: Administration> Application Settings > Data Sources.
    6. Click New. A Data Source Wizard screen appears.
      • Enter a name for the data you will retrieve.
      • Select your server's time zone.
      • Click Next.
      • A summary of the information you entered appears along with a Webtrends data collection server ID (DCSID) value.
      • Click Save. The Data Sources screen reappears with your new data source.
    7. Copy your Data Source ID number (DCSID), indicated in the following figure. You will use this number in the next step.

  2. Build the Tracking Files. In this step, you tell Webtrends the type of data you want to track. Webtrends then generates files that track that data.
    1. Open Webtrends' Tag Builder page:
    2. From the Data Sources screen, you can click Build Tag (Tracking Code).
    3. Complete this page, which prompts you to identify which data Webtrends should track.
    4. Into the page's Webtrends data collection server ID (DCSID)field, paste the number you copied in Step 1g above. For help completing the Tag Builder page, click the information button in the top right corner.

    5. Click the Build Tag button. Webtrends generates files you will use to track usage statistics. The Summary and Confirmation screen appears.
    6. Click the Download tag button.

    7. Save the .zip file to your computer.
  3. Copy Webtrends Tracking Files to Ektron. You must have permission to edit files on theEktron Web server. In this step, you will...
    • replace the Webtrends.html file in your Workarea folder with the one you downloaded.
    • replace the <div> tag in your Workarea's Webtrends.ascx file with the one in the downloaded file of the same name
    1. Extract the .zip file you downloaded.
    2. Open the folder that contains the extracted files.
    3. Copy Webtrends.js.
    4. Paste it into the site root\Workarea\Analytics\template folder. This action replaces a file of the same name.
    5. In the folder that contains the extracted files, open Webtrends.html.
    6. Copy the <div> tag highlighted below.

    7. In the site root\Workarea\Analytics\template folder, open Webtrends.ascx.
    8. Replace the <div> tag with the one you copied.
  4. Update Ektron's web.config file. You must have permission to edit files on your Ektron Web server.
    1. Obtain a value for your web.config file's ProfileFileName property by going to
      • In the User name field, enter your account name\username that you obtained.
      • In the Password field, enter your password. A screen displays your Webtrends profile as follows.
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
               <string name="ID">ABCD1234</string>
                <string name="name">MyAnalyticsAccountName</string>
                <decimal name="AccountID">234567</decimal>
                <decimal name="TimeZoneID">-500</decimal>

        You will use the string name value (highlighted in red), ProfileFileName property.

    2. Open your siteroot/web.config file
    3. Find the tag beginning with <add name="Webtrends".
    4. Replace the Webtrends tag's properties.
      • Name—The name displayed on the report. If you have several accounts, you can use names like these.
        • Webtrends—
        • Webtrends—

        However, the value of this field for one analytics provider must match the value of the<AnalyticsDataProvider defaultProvider> tag.

      • Type—Do not change.
      • Username, Password
        1. Go to C:\Program Files\Ektron\CMS400v8x\
        2. Encrypt the Webtrends username and password you obtained.
        3. Enter the encrypted values into these properties.
      • ProfileFileName—Enter the string name value you obtained.
      • SiteURL—Enter the URL visitors use to access your site. For example,
      • UserAccount—Enter the account name you obtained.
      • Endpoint—The default value is You only need to update this value if you are not using the default Data Collection Server on the Tag Builder page.
      • Cache Interval—You may use this field to cache the Analytics provider's data. Enter a number in seconds. The maximum 86400. Caching improves the performance of the traffic report page.
      • AnalyticsTrackingCodePath—Do not change.
Displaying Webtrends site reports

Displaying Webtrends Site Reports

You can access Webtrends analytics reports within the Workarea by selecting Reports > Traffic Analytics > Webtrends.

Display Options

Webtrends reports provide the following display options.

Data table (default)

Bar chart (only available in Version 8.5 SP1 and later)

Heat map (only available in Version 8.5 SP1 and later)

Pie chart (only available in Version 8.5 SP1 and later)

From the pie chart, you can change the display to see percentages of the following factors.

  • Visits
  • Page views
  • Average visit duration (minutes)
  • Single page view visits
  • Entry page visits
Report Descriptions

Report Descriptions

The following text was adapted from Webtrends Analytics Help Center ( Check that site for additional details on the reports.

  • Overview Dashboard—An overview of the data in the report template. You can click a graph title to navigate to the corresponding report.
  • Key Metrics Summary—Key measures of your site's growth and performance over time. The trend intervals displayed depend on the selected report period.

Marketing Reports



Purchase Conversion Funnel by Campaigns

Shows how successfully individual campaigns led visitors to purchase engagement and conversion by showing the number of visits referred by each campaign for each step of the purchase process.


Shows the visitors' most recent campaigns during the report time period. For that period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is "credited" with the conversion. Drill-down levels may be the result of a custom dimension definition or from an applied campaign translation file.

Demand Channels

Shows activity occurring during the report time period segmented according to the demand channel of the most recent campaigns. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.


Shows the partner of the most recent campaigns that drove traffic to your site during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.

Marketing Programs

Shows the marketing programs for the most recent campaigns that drove traffic to your site during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.

Marketing Activities

Shows the marketing activities for the most recent campaigns that drove traffic to your site during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.

Creative Types

Shows activity occurring during the report time period segmented according to the creative type of the most recent campaigns. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.


Shows activity occurring during the report time period segmented according to the creatives of the most recent campaigns. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.


Shows the offers for the most recent campaigns that drove traffic to your site during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion


Shows the offers for the most recent campaigns that drove traffic to your site during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.

Campaign IDs

Shows activity occurring during the report time period segmented according to the campaign ID of the most recent campaigns. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is credited with the conversion.

Same Visit Campaign IDs

Shows activity from campaign IDs that drove traffic to your site during this time period. Only Campaign IDs seen during the period of the report are tracked.

Same Visit Campaign Names

Shows activity from campaigns that drove traffic to your site during this time period. Only names of campaigns seen during the period of the report are tracked.



Campaigns by New vs. Returning Visitors

Shows how effective your most recent campaigns are at generating new vs. returning visitors. With drill-down the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing new vs. returning visitors by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description

Campaigns by New vs. Repeated Buyers

Shows how effective your most recent campaigns are at generating new and repeat buyers. With drilldown, the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing new vs. repeat buyers by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description. All activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded, even if this most recent campaign was seen prior to the current visit.

Campaigns by Customer Value

Shows the lifetime value of buyers for the most recent campaign they responded too, and displays it in a drilldown. A drill-down enables users to examine this information at a highly summarized level, and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing lifetime value of buyers by demand channels, partners, marketing programs, marketing activities, campaign IDs, campaign descriptions and more.

Campaigns by Countries

Shows campaign activity originating from various countries over a certain time period. With drilldown, the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing revenue from various countries by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description. All activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded, even if this most recent campaign was seen prior to the current visit.

Campaigns by Regions

Shows campaign activity originating from various regions over a certain time period. With drilldown, the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing revenue from various countries by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description. All activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded, even if this most recent campaign was seen prior to the current visit.

Campaigns by States

Shows campaign activity originating from various States/Provinces over a certain time period. With drilldown, the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing revenue from various countries by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description. All activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded, even if this most recent campaign was seen prior to the current visit.

Campaigns by MSA

Shows campaign activity originating from various Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) over a certain time period. With drill-down the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing revenue from various countries by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description. All activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded, even if this most recent campaign was seen prior to the current visit.

Campaigns by DMA

Shows campaign activity originating from different Designated Marketing Areas (DMAs) over the report time period. With drill-down the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing revenue from various DMAs by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description. All activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded, even if this most recent campaign was seen prior to the current visit.

Campaigns by Time

Shows the activity over time resulting from the most recent campaign that visitors responded to during the report time period. With drilldown, the user can examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, identifying campaigns that had both a high number of daily and monthly visitors, and then examining that by Demand Channel, Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description.

email campaigns

email Campaigns

email Campaigns

This report refers to the visitors' most recent email campaigns during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other activities are tracked and attributed to the last email campaign to which visitors responded. Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most recent campaign, the appropriate source is "credited" with the conversion. drill-down enables users to examine this information at a highly summarized level and navigate to successively more detailed levels of campaign data; for example, viewing visits, page views, revenue, and average order size by Partner, Marketing Program, Marketing Activity, Campaign ID, and Campaign Description.

email Conversion Funnel

This report shows each step in the Email Conversion Funnel and the number of visits that reached that step as a result of an email campaign.

Onsite Advertising

Onsite Advertizing

Onsite Ad Impressions

Shows the number of times visitors viewed ads displayed on your site. Use this report to help measure the exposure of your on-site ads.

Onsite Ad Clickthroughs

Shows the number of clicks generated by ads served on your site. It can help measure the relative effectiveness of your onsite ads in generating traffic to a specific destination.



Referring Site

Identifies Web sites that refer visitors to your site. The top referrers are your site's primary acquisition channels, and may include a partner sites, search engines, portals or marketing program

Referring Domain

Identifies domains that refer visitors to your Web site. The top referring domains are your site's primary acquisition channels and may include partner sites, search engines, portals or marketing programs.

Referring Page

Shows the pages from which visitors accessed your site. You can use this report together with the Top Referring Domains report to identify which pages on your top domains are sending the most traffic to your site.

Initial Referrers

Shows activity occurring in the current report time period organized according to visitors' first referrer on record

Search engines

Search engines

Most Recent Search Engines (All)

Displays the most recent search engine and phrases that visitors used to access your site with measures evaluating those visits.

Most Recent Search Engines (Paid)

Displays the most recent paid search phrase and engine that a visitor used to access your site with measures evaluating those visits.

Most Recent Search Engines (Organic)

Displays the most recent organic search phrases and search engines that visitors used to access your site with measures evaluating those visits.

Most Recent Search Phrases (All)

Displays the most recent search phrase and engine that visitors used to access your site with measures evaluating those visits.

Most Recent Search Phrases (Paid)

Displays the most recent paid search phrase and engine that a visitor used to access your site with measures evaluating those visits.

Most Recent Search Phrases (Organic)

Displays the most recent organic search phrase and engine that visitors used to access your site with measures evaluating those visits.

Initial Search Engines

Shows activity occurring in the current report time period organized according to the very first search engine and phrases visitors used to access your site. This report includes both paid and organic phrases.

Search Phrases

Identifies search phrases that led the most visitors to your site, and for each phrase, which search engines led visitors to the site.

Search Keywords

Identifies keywords that led the most visitors to the site and, for each keyword, which search engines led visitors to the site.



Top Visitors

Identifies the IP address, domain name, or cookie of each visitor, and identifies the visitor's activity level on the site. If you use cookies to track visits, Webtrends can differentiate between hits from different visitors with the same IP address

New vs. Returning Visitors

Helps evaluate the loyalty of repeat visitors as well as measure new visitor acquisition. To maintain the highest accuracy when counting new visitors, visitors who do not accept cookies are counted separately under Visitors Not Accepting Cookies.

Customer Value

This report shows visitor activity metrics by customer value segments, providing insight into the use of your site by different customer segments.



Domain Names

Lists the domain names that generate the most activity to your Web site. Because the data for this report is obtained solely from DNS lookups, it can differ from the data presented in the Organizations report, which is based on both GeoTrends and DNS lookups



Geography Drill-down

Provides a view of the geographic distribution of visitors. Hot spots may represent a central location of a service provider if more specific geographic information on the visitor is unavailable


Identifies the top countries of the visitors to your site. Use this report to understand how broadly your site is used


If the Webtrends GeoTrends Database is enabled for this profile, shows visits to your site segmented by the originating city of the visitor

Designated Marketing Areas

Shows the activity that originated within a designated marketing area

Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Shows the activity that originated within a metropolitan statistical are

Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Shows the activity that originated within a primary metropolitan statistical area.

Area Codes

Shows the activity that originated within a given area code

Commerce Reports



Customers and Non-Customers

Information about the buying cycle, buyer loyalty, and a quick view of purchase conversion trends.

New vs. Repeat Buyers

Compares the activity of new and repeat buyers during the selected time period. Repeat buyers are visitors that have already made a purchase before the selected report period.




Evaluates visitor activity to products, and displays it in a drilldown. A drill-down enables users to examine this information at a highly summarized level, and navigate to successively more detailed levels of product data; for example, viewing visits, page views, revenue, and average order size by Product Group, Product Family, Product Category, Product Sub-category, Product Name, and Product SKU.

Product Categories

Provides information about activity, sales and revenue for products organized by product category. Product category analysis allows for high-level evaluation of profit centers in your merchandising mix.

Product Sub-Categories

Provides information about activity, sales and revenue for products organized by product sub-category. Product category analysis allows for high-level evaluation of profit centers in your merchandising mix.

Products by Suppliers

Shows product activity organized by supplier.

Products by Manufacturers

Displays the product hierarchy drill-down categorized by manufacturer. You can compare product views, sales, revenue and average order size across manufacturers at any product drill-down level.

Product SKUs

Displays performance details, sales and revenue for each product, broken down by SKU or (if you use a translation file) by product name. This report is especially useful if you plan to integrate external data with product reporting in an Excel file using Excel SmartReports or a Webtrends ODBC driver query.



Products by Demand Channels

Helps you compare how effectively each campaign channel drives product interest and purchase conversions. The relative success of each channel can help you allocate ad spending for future campaign efforts or prioritize search engine optimization.

Products by Partners

Helps you determine your most valuable partner relationships by comparing levels of product interest and conversion rate. To compare merchandise interest, you can drill down on product category, group or SKU across each referring partner site.

Products by Marketing Programs

Helps you compare how effectively your marketing programs drive product interest and purchase conversions. The relative success of each marketing program can help you allocate ad spending for future campaign efforts.

Products by Marketing Activities

Helps you compare how effectively each marketing activity drives product interest and purchase conversions. The relative success of each marketing activity such as direct mail or keyword purchases can you allocate ad spending for future campaign efforts.

Products by Creative Types

Helps you compare how effectively each ad creative type drives product interest and purchase conversions. The relative success of a creative type can show which ad types are most engaging and help you optimize creatives for future campaign efforts.

Products by Creatives

Helps you compare how effectively each ad creative drives product interest and purchase conversions. The relative success of a creative can show which ad creatives are most engaging and help you optimize creatives for future campaign efforts.

Products by Offers

Helps you determine which offers are driving product interest and purchase conversions. Viewing product interest by special offer helps you quickly optimize offers to increase sales and average order size. This report also helps reveal product affinity when other products are purchased as a result of an offer on a particular product.

Products by Search Engines

Helps you evaluate how effectively search engines promote sales of products. You can drill down into product categories to the level of individual product SKUs.



Products by New vs. Returning Visitors

Compares product interest and sales activity for returning visitors with the results for first-time visitor

Products by New vs. Repeat Buyers

Compares product interest and sales activity for frequent buyers with the results for first-time customers.

Products by Countries

Shows product activity organized by country of origin.

Products by Regions

Shows product activity organized by geographic region

Products by States

Shows product activity organized by state or province.

Products by MSA

Shows product activity organized by Metropolitan Statistical Areas as defined by the US Office of Management and Budget.

Products by DMA

Shows product activity organized by Designated Marketing Area

Sales cycle

Sales cycle

Sales Cycle (New Buyers)

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase.

Sales Cycle by Product (New Buyers)

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase based on individual products.

Sales Cycle by Product Category (New Buyers)

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase based on product category, like DVD players.

Sales Cycle by Campaign (New Buyers)

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase based on campaign.

Sales Cycle

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase.

Sales Cycle by Product

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase for each product.

Sales Cycle by Product Category

Shows the number of days between a new buyer’s initial visit and first purchase for each product.

Time between Purchases

Shows the number of days between a visitor's previous purchase and most recent purchase in this report period.

Content Reports

Content reports

RSS Subscriptions Summary

Provides a summary of the total number of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) subscriptions by feeds, the names of feeds visitors are subscribing to, and the percentage for each feed

RSS Feed Usage

Shows the breakdown of specific articles delivered for each type of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and the number of times the RSS feed was requested.

Geography by RSS Feeds

Provides information about the geographical location of visitors when they subscribe to a specific RSS feed

Media Type Summary

Shows what type of media visitors are using when accessing the site. This report shows the types of media visitors have accessed, the total number of media (clip) events, the number of pages visited, and the amount of time the visitor spent at the site

Media Usage

Shows which clip content visitors are using when they access the media offerings on your site. This report illustrates the most popular media content consumed by visitors.

RIA Content Usage

Shows which Rich Internet Applications (RIA) features are used most often by visitors. The information in this report can assist customers in understanding the usage and effectiveness of their RIA applications at the feature (micro) level to improve their RIA application designs

RIA Feature Usage

Shows which Rich Internet Applications (RIA) features are used most often by visitors. The information in this report can assist customers in understanding the usage and effectiveness of their RIA applications at the feature (micro) level to improve their RIA application designs

Consumer Generated Media

Shows the consumer-generated media (CGM) that visitors engage with when accessing the site

Purchase Conversion Funnel by Test Variant

Shows each test variant that visitors had been exposed to, and their completed steps in a purchase conversion funnel. The information in this report is useful in determining which test variant is most effective in moving a visitor through each step of the Purchase Conversion Funnel

Site Design Reports

Pages and files

Pages and Files


Identifies the most popular pages on your site and shows you key metrics for each page such as Visits, Page Views and Average Time Viewed.

Page Views Trends

Shows activity trends on your site based on the total page view volume for the report period. You can use this information to determine high and low points of visitor activity.

Content Groups

This report shows patterns of traffic to related groups of pages on your site. Content groups can show how visitors are accessing information categories that may not reflect the organization of your Web site. For example, you may want to look at visits by content area, or find out how many visitors use summaries or abstracts of site content

Content Groups and Sub-Groups

Identifies the most popular groups of Web site pages and how often they were visited

Content Group Duration

Provides insight into which areas of the site are most attractive to your visitors. Analyze the content groups for possible cross-promotions, or analyze over time to interpret content popularity.



Entry Pages

Focuses on pages that were most often the first or “entry” page of a visit. Each visit can have only one entry page. You can use this report to determine whether visitors are entering your Web site using the pages you expect.

Exit Pages

Focuses on pages that were most often the final or "exit" page of a visit. You can use this report to determine whether visitors are exiting your Web site using the pages you expect, such as a specially designed Thank You page, or whether certain pages are causing visitors to abandon the visit prematurely.

Single-Page Visits

Focuses on pages that were most often viewed during a visit consisting of exactly one page view. You can use this report to determine the success of certain pages designed to provide visitors with all needed information on a single page, or whether certain pages are causing visitors to abandon the visit prematurely

Browsers and systems

Browsers and Systems


Identifies the most popular browsers used by visitors to your site. You can use this information to improve your understanding of which technologies your visitors use so you can configure your Web site to optimize their visit experience.


Identifies robots, spiders, crawlers and search services that visit your site. This information can help you block spiders that use your server resources and understand the kind of automated attention you have attracted to your site.


Identifies the operating systems most used by the visitors to the site. This information will only be displayed if your server is logging the browser/platform information.

Client details

Client Details


Provides statistics about the top languages spoken by the visitors to your Web site. You can use this information to tailor your site content to visitor preferences

Screen Resolutions

Provides statistics about the most common screen resolutions used by your visitors. You can use this information to improve your understanding of which technologies your visitors use so you can configure your Web site to optimize their visit experience

Color Palettes

Provides statistics about the most common color palettes in use on your visitors' computers. You can use this information to improve your understanding of which technologies your visitors use so you can configure your Web site to optimize their visit experience

Java Support

Provides statistics about the proportion of your site activity generated by visitors whose browsers have Java enabled. You can use this information to improve your understanding of which technologies your visitors use so you can configure your Web site to optimize their visit experience.

JavaScript Support

Provides statistics about the proportion of your site activity generated by visitors whose browsers have JavaScript enabled. You can use this information to improve your understanding of which technologies your visitors use so you can configure your Web site to optimize their visit experience

JavaScript Versions

Shows the JavaScript versions in use by your visitors with JavaScript enabled. You can use this information to improve your understanding of which technologies your visitors use so you can configure your Web site to optimize their visit experience.

Third Party Cookie Support

Tracks visitors' activity based on whether their browser accepts third party cookies or not.

GMT Offsets

Shows the GMT offset of the time zones where your Web site visitors are located.

IE Connection Type

Identifies the visitor’s connection type.



Mobile Devices

Identifies the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) devices most commonly used by visitors to your site. This information will only be displayed if your server is logging the browser/platform information.

Mobile Browsers

Identifies the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) browsers most commonly used by visitors to your site. This information will only be displayed if your server is logging the browser/platform information.

Site Performance Reports

Site performance reports

Technical Statistics

Bandwidth: Kbytes Transferred Trend

Shows the bandwidth requirements of your site by tracking kilobytes transferred over the course of the report period


Browsing Hours

Shows the number of visits with activity in each hour of the day during the reporting period. Use this information to identify periods of high and low activity on your site, which may be useful in selecting system maintenance periods or in selecting campaign or promotion times.