Configuring SSL

In Ektron, you can use SSL during user log-in. SSL encrypts the username and password during transmissions to the server.

If your Web server does not have an SSL certificate installed, you need to install one. When you set up an SSL certificate and configure Ektron to use it, the login page is launched in a Secure Socket Layer. This section explains how to set up SSL for Ektron.


Setting Up the Certificate for IIS 7



Setting Up the Certificate for IIS 6

  1. On your Web server, access the Internet Information Server Administrator Console .
  2. Navigate to the computer and Web site to which Ektron is installed.
  3. Right click the Web site.
  4. Choose Properties.
  5. Click the Directory Security tab.

  6. In the Secure communications area, click Server Certificate.

  7. Use the wizard to set up a certificate for your Web site.
  8. Close the wizard. You return to the Properties window.
  9. Click the Web Site tab at the top of the Properties window.

  10. Set the SSL Port that the Web server will use.
  11. Click OK.
Updating web.config to use SSL

Updating web.config to Use SSL

Next, configure Ektron to use the SSL certificate.

  1. Open the siteroot/web.config file.
  2. Find these settings.
    <add key="ek_UseSSL" value="false" />
    <add key="ek_SSL_Port" value="443" />
  3. Set ek_UseSSL to true.

    WARNING! If ek_UseSSL is true, but you did not install the certificate to the Web Server, you cannot log into Ektron.

  4. Set the ek_SSL_Port to 443 (unless you specified another SSL port).
  5. Find the following line: <add key="WSPath" value="http://server name/site name/Workarea/ServerControlWS.asmx" />
  6. Change http to https.
  7. Save and close the file.