Getting started

When your Optimizely system and related services are set up, you will receive the permission keys and credentials needed to access the user interface. The setup depends on what parts of the Optimizely platform you have in your implementation, for example Optimizely CMS or Optimizely Commerce, Optimizely Campaign, Optimizely Search & Navigation, and the products in the Personalization suite.

Log in to access features

The login procedure may differ depending on how your system is set up, but usually you log in using a specified URL, or through a button or link on your website.

For example, to access the Optimizely CMS edit view, you select CMS Edit in the Optimizely quick access menu displayed to the top right when logged in.

Image: CMS Edit

Switching between products

From the top menu, you can also access other parts of the Optimizely platform by clicking the product switcher Image: Product switcher icon which opens a product selector area. Note that what you see depends on your system permissions.

Image: Global menu

From the product selector area, select the platform part that you want to work with.

Image: Product selector area

What do you want to do?

 Manage website content—Optimizely CMS

Create and edit web pages, add links and images, work with content blocks and web forms. Manage content approvals and publishing. See the CMS section.

 Manage products, discounts, and orders—Optimizely Commerce

Enrich product information with text and images, create discounts for sales campaigns, manage markets, and work with orders. See the Commerce section.

 Create automated omnichannel campaigns—Optimizely Campaign

Manage recipient lists, create mailings, and set up automated campaigns for pushing marketing messages in multiple channels. See the Campaign section.

 Optimize site search—Optimizely Search & Navigation

Analyze search terms, add search optimization based on visitor actions, and create "best bets" to promote selected website content. See the Search & Navigation section.

 Manage visitor profile data and segments—Optimizely Visitor Intelligence

Analyze profile data based on website tracking information, and create segments and target groups to be used in personalized marketing messaging. See the Optimizely Visitor Intelligence section.

 Manage personalized content recommendations—Content Recommendations

Display targeted articles based on tracking of visitor behavior, and define content strategies for your website. Analysis of a unique profile lets you deliver the most relevant content to each visitor. See the Personalization section.

 Manage personalized product recommendations—Product Recommendations

Create and configure a merchandising campaign, to display personalized recommendations from the product catalog, for display on multiple devices. See the Personalization section.

 Manage triggers and email recommendations—Triggered Messages and Email Product Recommendations

Create personalized email messages that are automatically triggered by visitor behavior, for example to act on abandoned shopping carts. See the Personalization section.

 Other features—Add-ons

There are many extensions available for Optimizely, for example for A/B testing, Google Analytics, and marketing automation features. See Marketing and other add-on descriptions in the user guide.