Triggered Messages

The Episerver Customer-Centric Digital Experience Platform contains many features to support you in your daily work. Depending on how your solution is set up, some features described in this documentation may not be available to you. Contact your system administrator to find out more. See Episerver World for technical information.

You can send automated personalized emails via an Email Service Provider (ESPStands for "email service provider") that are triggered by the on-site actions of the email recipient. These emails typically alert the user of a price reduction or some form of abandonment. Because Episerver captures user behavior, you also can use this behavior to include alternative recommendations to abandoned or browsed products.

You have the following preset triggers available:

  • Abandoned checkout
  • Abandoned basket
  • Abandoned browse
  • Targeted discounts
  • High product interest
  • Post purchase
  • Low-in-stock abandoned-basket.

See the Types of triggers section for a list of available triggers and their descriptions. New options are frequently added, so contact your Episerver Customer Success Manager about what is available and for any specific requirements you may have.

To enable Triggered Messages functionality, set up the configuration in the Episerver Personalization Portal so that Episerver and the ESP platform can communicate with each other to send the right message at the right time; see Setting up an ESP connection.

The configuration is different for each Email Service Provider. Episerver Triggered Messages can work with any ESP, so you can migrate Triggered Messages and Email Recommendations to any provider that you might select.

By using Triggered Messages alone, you can add users automatically to an email list or group and further refine the recipient list using automation programs available in your ESP account, or you can trigger an email to be sent out by your ESP right away. When combined with Email RecommendationsA personalization feature that incorporates personalized product recommendations into dynamically-generated email., you have the power to include specific products that are of interest to the user—their browsed and abandoned products and recommendations based on their on-site behavior.