Adobe Analytics integration

This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Adobe Analytics.

Adobe Analytics integration lets you use Episerver Campaign and product data from Adobe Analytics in mailing campaigns. Adobe Analytics collects visitor activity data that you can use to create fine-tuned segments in Episerver Campaign, such as specifically addressing customers with abandoned shopping carts in a remarketing campaign.

The Adobe Analytics integration allows bi-directional exchange of mailing and action data. To access exchanged data, you first need to implement Adobe Analytics on your website. The Adobe Analytics data is updated daily in Episerver Campaign, available for use in regular mailings, transactional mailsAn email triggered by a recipient action (such as an order or purchase) or event (such as an anniversary). It is sent out subsequent to the event. and for Marketing AutomationFeature for creating automated, multilevel campaigns..

Data generation

Key mailing data

The output channel from Episerver Campaign to Adobe Analytics is used to send key mailing data (KPIStands for "key performance indicator" (also known as a conversion goal); the measurement of actions on web pages. The actions can be completed purchases, pages visited, time spent on site and so on.s). Data is sent in the background each day.

When data is sent, there may be a delay before it appears in Adobe Analytics.

Classifications (fixed mailing data):


Recipient segments

Using the feedback channel, you can create segments based on visitor activities, and send these to Episerver Campaign. A segment comprises events that match defined criteria, for example a product purchase.

The following segments are defined by the integration:

  • Product purchase. (Product Purchases (broadmail)) Includes site visitors with a recipient ID and an event of type Order.
  • Product view. (Product Views (broadmail)) Includes site visitors with a recipient ID and an event of type Product View.
  • Abandoned shopping cart. (Product Abandonment (broadmail)) Includes site visitors with a recipient ID and an event of type Cart Addition, but without a corresponding Order event.
  • PostClicks. Generic non-configurable segment containing site visitors with a recipient ID, a mailing ID, a Mailing-to-user ID, a date, and a media code. This segment is available for creating target groupsSubset of recipients defined by rules and conditions and a logic relationship between them. For example, all recipients in the United Kingdom. in Episerver Campaign as the criterion has created one or more post-clicks.

Custom-defined segments can also be sent to Episerver Campaign. See Exporting segments and using them in Episerver Campaign.

Setting up the integration

The initial steps are done in Adobe Analytics by Adobe. For bi-directional data exchange, you also need an Adobe Analytics user account with administrator rights. Contact Adobe customer support (additional charges may apply).

Linking the Data Connector

When the integration is set up in Adobe Analytics, link the Data Connector in Adobe Analytics with Episerver Campaign and activate the integration.

  1. Log in to Adobe Analytics with your user name.
  2. In the menu bar, hover over the Admin option to display the drop-down list.
  3. Click Data Connectors.
  4. Hover over optivo broadmail to open the context menu.
  5. Click Add new. Accept the terms and conditions.
  6. In the pop-up window, select the report suite to use.
  7. In the field below, enter a name to use for the integration Data Connector.
  8. Confirm by clicking Create and Configure This Integration.

Configuring the Data Connector

In the Configure tab, you specify a range of variables for the Episerver Campaign integration, together with custom fields. You can allocate both types to the conversion variables (eVar) and success events (Event) in Adobe Analytics.

  1. In the drop-down lists under SiteCatalyst eVar and SiteCatalyst Event, select the conversion variables and success events from Adobe Analytics to allocate to the Episerver Campaign integration variables.

    The Episerver Campaign variables in the Configure tab under Metrics marked with a red star *, must be allocated to a conversion variable or success event from Adobe Analytics.

  2. If needed, enable the Rename the chosen SiteCatalyst metric and enter a new name.

    Image: Variable mapping in Adobe Analytics

Implementing Adobe Analytics on your website

  1. Select your preferred reporting suite in Adobe Analytics.
  2. Define the success events and conversion variables.
  3. Embed the script generated by Adobe into each page on your website. In the JavaScript code, assign relevant variables that apply for each context. Dynamic values are assigned depending on the e-commerce system or website administration software used:


    s.products=";Hoody_Women_1;1;49.95" /* Assigns the product variables. */"prodView" /* Set the event */ 
    s.eVar4="HoodyWomen1" /* Context parameter*/
    –var date = new Date (); 
    s.eVar5=date.toGMTString(); /* Date of action parameter */

Setting up the integration in Episerver Campaign

To set up the integration within Episerver Campaign, contact customer support. The integration setup by Adobe for your Adobe Analytics user account is required here.

Exporting and using segments

Configuring segments

Before you can export segments to Episerver Campaign, create and activate the segments in Adobe Analytics; see the Adobe Analytics user documentation about how to do this.

  1. Log in to Adobe Analytics with your user name.
  2. In the menu bar, hover over the Admin option to display the drop-down list.
  3. Click Data Connectors.
  4. Hover over optivo broadmail to open the context menu.
  5. In the context menu, click the integration created during installation of the Data Connector.
  6. Click the Configure tab.
  7. In the lower part of the window, click the Data Settings tab.
  8. Select the segments to export by selecting the check box for the desired segment.
  9. Click Save at the bottom of the window to confirm.

In the Configure tab under Data Settings > Partner Segments, you can find the segments PostClicks, Product Abandonment (broadmail), Product Views (broadmail) and Product Purchases (broadmail). These are predefined in the Data Connector for Episerver Campaign. If needed, you can prevent the Product Abandonment (broadmail), Product Views (broadmail) and Product Purchases (broadmail) segments from being sent by clearing the check box next to the relevant segment.

Standard variables

The Adobe Analytics integration sends a range of standard variables to Episerver Campaign. This includes data from for example Product Variable, containing up to four values (see Adobe Analytics Implementation Guide):

  • Item number or context
  • Order
  • Quantity
  • Price

Optional: Additionally, you can use the following custom variables (fields):

  • Custom Float 1–4
  • Custom Text 1–4

To use custom fields, additional client configuration is required. Contact customer support.

See Configuring the Data Connector to learn how to assign these custom variables in Adobe Analytics after adapting the recipient lists.

See Creating target groups in Episerver Campaign to learn how to create target groups using data sent from custom variables.

In Episerver Campaign, you have access to the exact values defined in Adobe Analytics for each segment.

Data security

Personal data security is guaranteed for both output and return channels. Mailing links are expanded with anonymized recipient and campaign data. This prevents parameters from being associated with a recipient, either directly or by fraud via third parties. The return channel re-associates the anonymized data with the mailing recipients and campaigns.

Standard segment parameters

Use these standard parameters for each segment to create target groups in Episerver Campaign:

  • Mailing ID. ID of the mailing from which the action originated.
  • Recipient ID. ID of the recipient who started the action.
  • Mailing to user ID. Unique ID associating a recipient with a mailing.

    Mailing ID, Recipient ID, and Mailing to user ID are required and cannot be modified.

  • Date. Field for date and time zone in international format.

    Use a valid date format, for example:

    EEE MMM dd YYYY HH:mm:ss 'GMT'Z // Javascript Date.toString()
    EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT' // Javascript Date.toGMTString()

  • Context. Field for important information about relevant usage context, for example item number.
  • Action. This parameter is no longer used, do not associate it with a variable in Adobe Analytics.

Configuring conversion variables and success events

  1. Log in to Adobe Analytics with your user name.
  2. In the menu bar, hover over Admin and click Report Suites.
  3. Select Edit settings > Conversion > Conversion Variables.

    Image: Conversion variables menu item

  4. Configure the conversion variables (eVar) and click Save. You are then given the name and number of the eVar.

    Image: Save configuration

  5. Note the name and number of the variables. You will map these with Episerver Campaign integration variables later.

    Image: Sample name and number of the conversion variables

To define success events, do as described above, selecting Success Events instead.

Adobe Analytics provides the events and conversion variables below. See Adobe Analytics help for details.

Type Name Data collection Description
Event (counter) Hard Bounces* Automatically imported by Episerver Campaign Number of permanently undeliverable emails.
Event (counter) Soft Bounces* Automatically imported by Episerver Campaign Number of emails that are temporarily undeliverable.
Event (counter) Clicked* Automatically imported by Episerver Campaign Number of recipients that clicked a link in the email.
Event (counter) Opens* Automatically imported by Episerver Campaign Number of recipients that opened the email.
Event (counter) Sent* Automatically imported by Episerver Campaign Number of emails sent.
Event (counter) Unsubscribed* Automatically imported by Episerver Campaign Number of recipients that opened the email but then clicked the unsubscribe link to stop receiving emails.
eVar Recipient ID* Recorded using email link parameters and automatic collection methods or using a JavaScript plug-in. The ID of the recipient: Using this ID, actions such as product purchases, abandoned carts and so on can be clearly assigned and later used for remarketing campaigns.
eVar Mailing ID* Recorded using email link parameters and automatic collection methods or using a JavaScript plug-in. ID of the mailing: This ID is a unique string value. Each mailing has its own unique ID.
eVar Mailing To User ID* Recorded using email link parameters and automatic collection methods or using a JavaScript plug-in. This unique ID links a specific recipient to a mailing.
eVar Media Code* Recorded using email link parameters and automatic collection methods or using a JavaScript plug-in. A media code can be specified for each mailing in Episerver Campaign. This can be used for additional descriptions or groupings.
eVar Action Date* Recorded via JavaScript plug-in. You can enter a date for a particular context here:
  • a purchase date
  • the date on which a product was viewed
  • the date on which a purchase was abandoned
ISO 8601 date formats are accepted. Date formats may also be imported that are normally created by the Date().toString() and Date().toUTCString() JavaScript functions.
eVar Context Recorded via JavaScript plug-in. You can freely enter context information here that is sent to Episerver Campaign. This will mostly be an item number.
eVar Type of Action deprecated (no longer used)  

Episerver Campaign integration variables indicated with a red star * must be assigned to a conversion variable or event in Adobe Analytics.

Creating target groups for use with Adobe Analytics

To use the transferred analytics data, you must first create target groups in Episerver Campaign.

  1. Open the start menuMain screen in Episerver Campaign, where the available options are grouped together. and select Recipients > Target groups.
  2. Click Create.
  3. In the Target group definition area, click Add +.
  4. In the second drop-down list, select Action and in the third list, select has created one or more post-clicks.
  5. If you are using multiple post-click services, select web analytics in the Service drop-down list.
  6. In the Mailing drop-down list, select mailings to which the data is related. If nothing is selected, all mailings are analyzed.
  7. Select a date or time in the Period drop-down list to only select post-clicks created within a defined time range or at a certain date. Time entered as a number of days ("Exactly 30 days ago") refer to the current day.
  8. In the drop-down list Category, select a predefined category and an operator (for example equals) and a comparison value.

    Example: To select all recipients who purchased a product, click Action and in the field to the right, enter purchase. Ensure correct spelling so it is identical to the name used by Adobe.

  9. Click Apply ✔. This target group rule will select recipients who have purchased any type of product. To refine the target group to recipients who purchased a specific product, add another rule.
  10. In the Target group definition area, click Add +.
  11. Select the Product name category and enter a product name. This field uses auto complete, matching products are displayed as you type. This entry must be identical to the entry in the database to find matches. If unsure, use the auto complete suggestion.
  12. Add additional rules to this target group. You can combine the Adobe Analytics web analytics data with other recipient and campaign data, make sure to test the created target group before first use. In the Analysis area, select a recipient list and click Calculate.
  13. Click Apply ✔.
  14. Open Properties and enter a name for the target group. Optionally, enter a description.
  15. Click Create.

Processing analytical data

Evaluating email channel in Adobe Analytics

You can evaluate data sent from Episerver Campaign in Adobe Analytics. Emails sent via Episerver Campaign contain three additional HTTP parameters: mid, rid and m2u. You can use these parameter names in Marketing Channel Processing Rules, after ensuring that no other parameters with these names are sent via other channels. See the Adobe documentation for information about automatic assignment of interactions to marketing channels in Adobe Analytics.

Grouping mailings in Episerver Campaign

When you create a mailing, you can specify a media code in the Web analysis tab in Mailings Classic to be used for grouping multiple mailings in Adobe Analytics. In Smart Campaigns, you can specify a media code in the message node settings. For example, assigning mailings within a multi-stage campaign to the same media code, lets you evaluate these mailings together. No further configuration is necessary.

Image: Mailings Classic: media code in the "Web Analysis" tab

Image: Smart Campaigns: enter the media code

Troubleshooting the Adobe Analytics integration

The table below lists common errors when working with the Adobe Analytics integration. If the problem continues after trying the suggested solution, contact Episerver customer support or Adobe customer support.

Problem Possible cause Resolution
Data sent from Episerver Campaign is not available in Adobe Analytics. Adobe Analytics is experiencing a data processing delay. Wait at least 4 days and check again to see if the data has become available in Adobe Analytics. If the problem continues, contact Adobe customer support.
Data from Adobe Analytics is not being sent to Episerver Campaign or is incomplete. Some segments have not been activated for transfer in Adobe Analytics. Activate the segments for them to be sent. See Exporting and using segments.
Data transfer fails or you are unable to set up the data transfer. You do not have an Adobe Analytics user account with admin rights. Contact Adobe to set up an Adobe Analytics user account with admin rights.
Data transfer fails or is incomplete. Required Episerver Campaign integration variables indicated with a red star * have not been assigned to a conversion variable or event. Allocate required variables, see Configuring the Data Connector
Data transfer fails. Adobe Analytics integration has not been enabled. Contact customer support.
Adobe Analytics contains no data about visitors to your site. The variables have not been implemented, or are implemented incorrectly, on some pages of your website. Implement and/or correct the variables on each page of your website. See Implementing on your website.