API overview

Note:  This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Episerver Campaign.

The API overview provides access to specific data like URLs, IDs and authorization codes required when integrating Episerver Campaign using for example HTTP and SOAP APIs.

See also API documentation on Episerver World:

Information in the API overview

To open the APIApplication programming interface. The API specifies how some software components should interact with each other, such as accessing a database or computer hardware, or easing the work of programming graphical user interface components. APIs often are in the form of a library that includes specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, and variables. overview, open the start menu and select AdministrationAPI Overview.

Image: API overview


Here you find a link to the HTTP API user manual with more information and examples.


The ID of the client you are logged in to and a link to the SOAP API user manual.

Post-click tracking

Recipient lists

Overview of the recipient lists in your clientThe working environment of Episerver Campaign. A client is a stand-alone and closed system that serves to organize your mailings. Campaign users can use one or more clients for your scenario., and information required for the HTTP and SOAP APIs.

You can also manage authorization codes for recipient lists:

  1. Select a recipient list in the listing.
  2. Click Manage authorization codes.
  3. Click Create authorization code to add a new code for the recipient list. Or, select an authorization code in the list and click Deactivate authorization code, to deactivate it.

Image: Manage authorization codes

Target groups

Target groups are available in your client, with information required for the HTTP and SOAP APIs.

Opt-in processes

Opt-in processes are available in your client, with information required for the HTTP and SOAP APIs.

Special mailings

Special mailings are available in your client, with information required for the SMTP API.