You are here: Admin Mode > Working with Authorization > Authorization to Publish from Microsoft Office

Authorization to Publish from Microsoft Office

There is a function in EPiServer that allows an editor to create information in EPiServer CMS by publishing a document from Microsoft Office. This function requires installation on each machine, which will publish directly from Office. This is something that editors can carry out themselves in Edit mode. Each editor must also go in and activate the website they are to work on.

In order for an editor to be able to activate a website to publish from Office they must have authorization to do this.

Authorize a group/individual to publish from Office as follows:

  1. Select Permissions for Functions on the Config tab.
  2. Click Edit for View and publish pages from Microsoft Office add-in.
  3. The group/users with authorization to publish from Office are displayed in a list.
  4. Add or delete groups and users, so that only those permitted to publish from Office are displayed.
  5. Click Save, at the top of the page.

If you have changed the authorization as described above and it is still not possible to publish from MS Office, check your web.config file. In order for the authorizations to work, a setting in web.config is required. The following is included in the web.config file in a standard installation of EPiServer CMS, but must be uncommented before it is possible to publish from Microsoft Office.

To uncomment the text in web.config, do the following:

  1. Open the file in Notepad or a similar program. (It must be a program that supports UTF-8, otherwise the program can damage the file.)
  2. Remove the initial “!--” and final “--” from the code.

    <!--<location path="UI/OfficeIntegration">
    <allow users="*" />

    UI is an customized path to Edit mode. This might be different in your installation.
  3. If your web.config file does not contain the above code, add it uncommented to the file.
  4. Save the file.