Episerver Commerce iconScheduled jobs

This topic is intended for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Episerver.

A scheduled job performs a specific task automatically when set to a date and time. An administrator can manually execute a scheduled job at any time. See Scheduled jobs.

The following Commerce scheduled jobs are available via the administration interface.

Subscription payment plans

Ensures that recurring paymentCommerce: Payments initiated by Commerce Manager on a regular cycle, used in a subscription-based scenario.s are regularly generated as a background process. Used for payment plans, such as magazine or grocery subscriptions, generating recurring payments.

Remove expired carts

Removes carts that are expired, that is, not accessed for a specified number of days. The default is 30. You can configure this value in the appSettings file's ExpiredCartJobDays property.

Full search index

Performs a full indexing of content in product catalogs.

Incremental search index

Performs an incremental indexing of content in product catalogs.

Draft store migration

Used for migration of previously published content versions, when upgrading to the version management introduced with Commerce 9. See Episerver World for technical details.

Find catalog URI conflicts

Analyzes the database to find entries and categories that have the same Name in URL under the same parent category. If conflicts are found, they are logged as warnings, output to the Scheduled Job Log, and sent to email addresses specified in the episerver:commerce.UriSegmentConflictsEmailRecipients AppSetting. For technical details, see URL segment and SEO URL.

Shipment releasing

Searches for releasable shipmentCommerce: a collection of products from a purchase order, ready to be shipped after going through inventory check and other verifications. in active orders. If the difference between current time and shipment creation time is greater than the configured time span, the order 's shipment status is changed to Released.

By default, this job is not active. If the job is active, order shipments are released one day after an order is placed by default. A developer can change the default value in the <RootSite>/Configs/ecf.order.config file by editing the shipmentAutoReleaseTimeout element.

Rotate encryption keys

Sensitive customer data is secured with encryption keys that are set in meta fields. This job rotates the encryption keys used by the system. See Episerver World for technical details.

Export product feed

Exports your catalog to Episerver Perform. This job enables Episerver Perform to provide accurate and valuable recommendations.

Maintain database indexes

To reduce fragmentation in the CMS and Commerce database indexes, this job rebuilds or reorganizes them. You can run the job manually any time that you notice a degradation in performance. Or, you can schedule it to run at regular intervals.

It is recommended to run this job at times of low usage if possible.

Further, you can set the following parameters to launch the job automatically when specified fragmentation levels are met.

When the job is launched (manually or automatically), it rebuilds or reorganizes depending on the current fragmentation percentage.

Parameter Description Default
To change default

If the avg_fragmentation_in_percent of an index is larger than this value, the index is rebuilt.

30% Add a setting to the web.config's appSettings section using the key episerver::HighFragmentationThreshold.
LowFragmentationThreshold If the avg_fragmentation_in_percent of an index is larger than this value, and smaller than or equal to HighFragmentationThreshold value, the index is reorganized. 10% Add a setting to the web.config's appSettings section using the key episerver::LowFragmentationThreshold.
DataBaseIndicesJobCommandTimeOut The maximum number of seconds for which you want the job to run. If the job does not finish within that time, an exception is generated. 30 seconds Add a setting to the web.config’s appSettings section using the key episerver::DataBaseIndicesJobCommandTimeOut. Within this appsetting setting, set the value to the maximum number of seconds for which you want the job to run.

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Episerver User Guide 18-4 | Released: 2018-07-09 | © Episerver 2018 | Send feedback to us